9 of Clubs – 1-minute Bursts of Fitness Throughout Your Day - Imago Wellness Coaching
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9 of Clubs
1-minute Bursts of Fitness Throughout Your Day

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9 of Clubs – 1-minute Bursts of Fitness Throughout Your Day

Find moments throughout your day to add quick one-minute bursts of physical activity.

Whether it’s jumping jacks, running on the spot, or a short dance break. These quick activities are like little exercise snacks for your body and can add up to big health benefits! So, whenever you feel like moving, just go for it!

A cute art of children stretching their body

You can do a one-minute burst of exercise almost anywhere!

  • Try brushing your teeth whilst swivelling your hips, stretching once you get out of bed and doing some jumping jacks if standing in a queue.
  • Have a think yourself of some one-minute bursts of fitness during your day!

Moving your body for just one minute at a time, many times during the day, can make a big difference! Here’s why:

  • Get stronger and healthier: Even just one minute of moving can help your muscles get stronger and keep your heart happy.
  • Feel more awake: If you’re feeling sleepy or bored, doing a quick exercise can help energise you, like a powerup to make you more alert and ready to focus or work
  • Be in a better mood: Moving your body can make you feel happier and less stressed.

So, whenever you have a minute, get moving!

A study found that doing three 60-second bursts of high-intensity exercise, three times a week improved heart health within a few weeks!1

Small changes CAN make a big difference – that’s what The 1% Kids’ Club is all about


1-minute Dance Break

  • Giving children regular opportunities to reset is crucial. These breaks let them burn off excess energy, helping them stay focused during lessons.
  • You can introduce ‘brain breaks’ with one-minute bursts of exercise. Set a timer and challenge them to see how many jumping jacks they can do in a minute.
  • Research shows that habits formed in childhood are more likely to stick into adulthood.
  • When families prioritise physical activity, like encouraging one minute of movement after sitting for a while, they help build a strong foundation for lifelong health in their children.
  • Activity dice can be a fun way to randomly assign a movement to complete whenever they’re rolled.
    Check this out for more.
  1. Stamatakis, E., Ahmadi, M. N., Gill, J. M. R., Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C., Gibala, M. J., Doherty, A., & Hamer, M. (2022). Association of wearable device-measured vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity with mortality. Nature Medicine28(12), 2521–2529.
  2. Smith, K. (2023, May 15). The importance of brain breaks in the classroom. Twinkl.co.nz.
  3. Islam, H., Gibala, M. J., & Little, J. P. (2021). Exercise Snacks. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, Publish Ahead of Print.