Frequently asked questions

My Appointment

Yes, we have coaches located all around the world occupying the major time-zones. You can be coached in any of the four domains, at any time.

You can be coached wherever you are, in the car, on holiday, even in the supermarket – for example our dietitians can coach you on food labels!

The sessions are concise to fit in with your busy lifestyle. Remember, you don’t need to travel anywhere so you’ll save a lot of time by being coached online, and avoid the traffic! The coach is able to summarise the important coaching points in writing onto your profile so if you miss something of note, you can always refer back to your action points at a later time.

Each credit is one session. You can use them in any combination you wish, and we encourage this also. Wellness is not just working on one aspect of your health. For example, your mental wellness improves with better sleep quality, and physical activity improves mental wellness. Better nutrition improves your physical activity – it’s a cycle!

Our Experts

Many of our coaches are experts in more than one domain so they are able to coach you on multiple areas. Your needs and goals will be assessed in the needs assessment and goal setting session.

If there’s an area where our coaches think you might be better off with another coach, they can refer you to them through the website.

We try and match-make as well as possible but understand that the coach-client relationship is really important. It’s no problem if you would like to change your coach, for whatever reason. Just get in touch with our admin staff to arrange a re-match.

Not essential, but highly preferable. This 20-minute session will allow you to hit the ground running with your specialist coach or coaches in the next sessions. We’ll look at your goals, what’s worked in the past, what hasn’t, assess your barriers, and many other things that help our coaches give the best advice to you.

No, most of the coaching may not even be physical workouts. Coaching can take many forms. If equipment is needed, our coaches have lots of advice on what to use around the house, or, using your wellness credits, we can provide you with exercise equipment you can use during your sessions.

You’re in the “Maintenance” phase, which is great! But coaching doesn’t stop there, you can get to grips with the more detailed issues that our coaches specialise in and really flourish!

Our ethos is “advancing normal”, helping you become a better version of you in the future. Any disorders such as sleep apnea, eating disorders, a pulled muscle, depression etc, are better treated in person by a practitioner in your local area.

Yes, we encourage your partner or family members to be present in the session too so you have a teammate to tackle the issue. It also helps to keep you accountable for your goals and ambitions. Having a teammate with you when you go food shopping is also a great way to stay accountable.

We look forward to helping you flourish!