Working from home, hybrid working, remote working, pandemic

Nutrition Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has truly turned our world upside down. Tons of people started working from home and living more sedentary lifestyles. No more walking to the bus. No more hopping off the train and walking to the office. The new commute became the walk from your bed to your kitchen!

Although it’s quite nice to have the convenience of working from home, this change has caused some issues as well. During this pandemic, numerous individuals have reported consistent weight gain since working remotely. This isn’t surprising at all! Being at home often leads to increased snacking and less activity. Together, they equal an increase on the scale.

Working remotely can also be quite isolating. Many miss the human connection and interaction they used to have with their co-workers, pre-pandemic. Others simply miss being able to casually make plans to go out for a drink after work with their friends and family. All of these empty feelings have led to emotional eating and increased drinking for many. While having a cookie or a glass of wine at night is perfectly fine, consuming in excess can lead to unwanted weight gain!

The solutions

You may be wondering- is there anything you can do about it? Absolutely! It’s all about establishing a new lifestyle at home. Try some of these tips to get started on a healthier path:

  1. Setting a schedule. Waking up and going to sleep at the same time every day helps your body get into a rhythm. You’ll start to feel more energised during your day!
  2. Try planning out snacks to eat during the day. A combination of carbohydrates and protein helps keep you full for longer. Here are some balanced ideas: one apple with two tablespoons of peanut butter, a handful of trail mix, popcorn with a string cheese, yogurt and fruit.
  3. Get moving! Find time to walk and move around during the day. Walking before breakfast is a great way to start the day. A walk after dinner is awesome for winding down and digesting your meal.
  4. Enjoy a sweet or a drink at night? That’s fine! Try one glass of wine, a square of chocolate, a small brownie. Everything in moderation!
  5. Stay hydrated. Often, we mistake thirst for hunger. Drinking adequate amounts of water can help keep your calories in check. How many ounces? 1⁄2 ounce of water per pound. How many litres? Divide your weight in kg by 30.
  6. Eat throughout the day. Don’t skip meals and then overeat at night! In general, we need most of our calories during the day, when we are the busiest. Try having balanced meals and snacks throughout the day, to avoid feeling overly hungry at night.

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Lauren Pimentel – Nutrition and Diet Coach

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