Sleep Archives - Imago Wellness Coaching

Category Archives: Sleep

Wellbeing through the stages of menopause

Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman’s life, often spanning several years. The hormonal fluctuations bring a myriad of changes in various aspects of our wellbeing, such as physical and mental fitness, nutrition needs and sleep. Let’s take a quick dive into understanding these changes and how Imago can help you to navigate these…


How Coffee Affects Exercise Performance and Recovery: A Focus on Endurance Athletes

Are you a regular coffee drinker and a frequent exerciser? Do you constantly wonder if you should be drinking coffee before working out but can’t resist the morning cup? You’re not alone! As a fellow coffee drinker who starts the day off with a hot cuppa, I’m here to tell you about the pros of…

older, adult, ageing, aging, health, support, help, longevity, strength, health team,

How do we improve and maintain wellbeing as we age?

Ageing is a natural process that we all go through. As we age, our bodies go through many changes that can affect our wellbeing. These changes can be gradual or quite sudden, but can have a significant impact on our overall health. Changes in body, nutrition requirements, sleep patterns and of course, mental wellness, are…

Old habits, help, support, mental wellness, mental fitness, can't sleep, tired, burnout

What to Do When You Backslide Into Old Habits

Are you finding yourself slipping back into old habits? Have you been on track and making new, positive, changes, but life has been getting in the way? Even if you’ve been on track for a while, it’s not unusual for old habits to pop back up. Let’s say you built a night-time routine you know…

Employee wellbeing programme, wellness, staff

Is Your Employee Wellbeing Programme Effective?

There are multiple choices when it comes to an effective employee wellbeing programme, but are they achieving the desired results? Before implementing a wellbeing programme, there are a few things that should be considered, such as whether it fits what employees want and need, and the desired results of the programme. There are several areas…