3 Tips to Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

Often when we think of making changes to improve our health we focus on the physical aspects. However, our mental wellbeing plays a key role in our overall health. If we aren’t flourishing mentally, we can’t flourish physically! So, how can you start improving your mental wellbeing?

1. Acceptance

This is all about accepting that as humans, we are going to have difficult thoughts and feelings sometimes. Trying to get rid of or avoid those thoughts and feelings can create even more suffering. Being able to step back from those thoughts and see them for what they are – just thoughts – means we are going to be more flexible mentally. Your thoughts are not you!

2. Be present

This is a common suggestion for mental wellbeing, for good reason. As humans we spend a lot of time ruminating about the past, and worrying about the future, when all we ever have is this moment. Being present or ‘mindfulness’, is engaging with the part of us that can notice that we’re noticing. Having a small ‘go to’ practice to bring awareness to the present moment can be really helpful. This can be anything – a walk to the mailbox when feeling overwhelmed, 3 slow deep breaths, a meditation, a few stretches, a mindfulness App, mindfully making a cuppa – it’s whatever works for you.

3.  What’s your ‘Why?’ 

This is about getting clear about what matters to you most. What are your core values? What changes do you want to make? Why? From here we can then get a good idea of where to focus energy. For example, if whānau/family is a core value for you, a goal might be increasing the connection and time spent with whānau. Some ideas can then flow about what that might look like, and what’s workable for you.

If you’re ever feeling unsure about what to focus on, always come back to being present. This is what can get us through the next few moments, then the next few moments…and the next…

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Angela Byelich – Mental Wellness and Mindfulness

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