5 of Spades - Screentime

Tonight, try turning off all your screens 1 hour before going to sleep. This includes phones, computers, and televisions.

Tonight, try turning off all your screens 1 hour before going to sleep. This includes phones, computers, and televisions.
When you hear the word melatonin, what comes to mind? You may think of the pill that can be taken to help you fall asleep, but did you know that your body produces it naturally? Melatonin is a hormone that plays an important role in your body’s natural rhythms by regulating your sleep-wake cycle. Ideally, as the sun goes down in the evening and your surroundings darken, your brain will produce more melatonin, making you feel tired and telling your body to start winding down for bedtime.
So, what happens when you use screens until the moment your head hits the pillow? Screens, including phones, computers, and televisions, emit blue light. Blue light happens to be the most intense type of visible light. Looking at this intense form of light interferes with your body’s natural production of melatonin. Thus, exposure to blue light before bed can make it harder to fall asleep and reduce the overall quality of your sleep. One study showed a significant increase in subjective sleep quality (from “bad” to “good”) in students after blue light exposure from their smartphones was reduced (Randjelović et al., 2023). So, if you normally spend your evenings looking at screens, trying this today could make a difference!
Implementing this one-percenter is quite straight-forward. Quite simply, avoid looking at screens 1-hour before the time you plan to go to sleep. However, you’ll likely find yourself looking for something to do during this hour if your typical routine is to use a screen. This is a great time to do a relaxing, non-stimulating activity such as reading, having a warm bath, listening to calm music, or journaling.
If this just won’t work for you, you can also purchase glasses that filter out blue light, or a filter for your phone screen with a similar effect.
Small changes CAN make a big difference – that’s what the 1% club is all about.
Randjelović, P., Stojanović, N., Ilić, I., & Vučković, D. (2023). The effect of reducing blue light from smartphone screen on subjective quality of sleep among students. Chronobiology International, 40(3), 335–342. https://doi.org/10.1080/07420528.2023.2173606