7 of Hearts - Omega Treat

Omega-3 fats are a type of polyunsaturated fat present in both animal and plant sources of fat (Williden 2020).
These types of fats are an important nutrient found in foods like salmon and sprouts which the body can’t do without. As well as being good for brain and eye development, Omega-3 fatty acids help lower good cholesterol and maintain a healthy heart.
The richest sources of animal Omega-3 are contained in foods such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, herrings, and grass-raised cattle. These foods contribute both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) omega fatty acids (Williden 2020).
Plant-based sources include avocados, leafy green vegetables, walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds. These foods provide alpha-linolenic (ALA) acid and ALA is more common in our everyday diet than EPA and DHA (Williden 2020).
Additionally, Omega 6 fats also play a role in the production of hormones and molecules that regulate inflammatory pathways. Significant sources of omega-6 fats are present in the same plant sources as mentioned above. When Omega-6 fats are combined in the correct dietary ratio with omega-3 fats this helps in lowering inflammation (Williden, 2020).